the largest community composting program in the United States run entirely on renewable resources

The NYC Compost Project is located at the Columbia Street Farm and hosted by the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. With 1,900+ volunteers each year, the compost operation processes over 225 tons/year of organic material. Rather than being transported to distant landfills by gas-emitting garbage trucks, this material becomes a rich amendment to farm soil. 

Our year-round program has the only compost windrows in New York City created and maintained entirely by solar, wind, and human power. This means no gas-guzzling machines! The organic material used for the compost operation is derived from the farm itself (weeds, spoiled produce, spent crop material), and from several contributions made by community members and a rich spectrum of partners. 


If you live in Red Hook and want to bring us your kitchen scraps, please be advised that we ONLY accept vegetables, fruits, and coffee grounds. This means NO MEAT, FISH or DAIRY.

Our gates are open every Saturday 10am-1pm, April to November - as well as other volunteer hours that appear on our calendar. At the southwest edge of our farm, you can find easy instructions for composting. Please do not leave bags outside the gates during other hours, as it attracts unwanted rodents and ends up in the trash.  Happy composting!

For all compost-related inquires, please check the BBG page here, email [email protected], or call 718-623-7290.